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Overview :

Male pattern baldness is a gradual process. In fact, males do not get bald overnight.

The most important part in male pattern baldness is to identify the early signs that you are getting bald and take action at the earliest to slow down the rate of thinning.

Unfortunately there are many myths going around the internet which makes us hard to identify the difference between a normal hair cycle and pattern baldness.

So, today we are going to discuss about some real signs of male pattern baldness that can be helpful in identifying the hair loss so that we can take action at the correct time.

Early warning Signs :

Receding Hair Line:

The first sign of balding in male is a change in the hair line where we notice that the hair line is receding. In later stages the hair line starts to show as an M-Shaped hairline.

Hair Thinning:

Not all people go bald from their hairline. Some men experience what’s called diffused thinning, a type of hair loss that either affects the entire scalp or specific areas like the top of the head, resulting in baldness that starts from the back or top, rather than from the hairline.

Increased Rate of Hair Fall After Shower and While Brushing:

It is very normal to have some amount of hair fall while shampoo and brushing on a regular basis. But when there marked increase in the rate of hair fall. It can be taken as a warning sign.

Some other symptoms like Excessive oilyness of the scalp , itchy scalp, lots of dandruff, increased rate of hair fall on the pillow and bedsheet can often be taken as waring signs of pattern baldness.

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